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Cookies and Art with a Heart Charity 2019

Dearest PRIMA Family,

This year's Cookies and Art with a Heart charity drive has really done a great job raising much needed funds to assist Konstantin Jovanovic and his family.

We can all feel very proud about our commitment as we have managed to raise 4230 Euro. The funds raised will go towards a staircase escalator which enables easier mobility for Konstantin.

Let us take a moment to give a big hand to the parent bakers and dessert makers, as well as the Home Room Parents who've stepped it up in organising the event. Without you, we certainly wouldn't have the "cookies" part of our charity but the sweetness is really in your hearts so thank you very, very, very much! :-)

PRIMA students have always been very talented and their teachers have always gotten the best out of them so there has to be another round of applause. This time for our younger students from Primary whose heartfelt contributions really put a big "A" on our art collection on offer. Certainly, Secondary student creative minds were right along with them and they also deserve a big, big "A"!

A lot of professional "real world" artists took up our call and donated selflessly their art work in order to complement our sale. We give them a great big bow and invite everyone to all of their exhibitions everywhere.

Finally, dearest parents, by visiting our charity auction you have shown us that giving a little gets someone deserving a lot. Reaching out to others in need is a building block of humanity. Thank you!

As this year winds down, we can look back and rest assured that we have helped make Konstantin's and his family's lives a lot easier.

Congratulations families, friends, students and staff of PRIMA International School!

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