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A New Chapter

A lot of new students came to Prima which for most people means they also moved to Serbia from another country. We all know this is a significant change and that it takes time to adapt. This is why our team from Inspirer asked Prima's students to share some of their thoughts on Belgrade with us. The first person we asked was our friend Timofey Svistunov from year 7A. He recently came to Serbia from Russia and was happy to share the experience with us. Our question was if he is glad that he lives in Belgrade. This was his answer "At first I wasn't sure if it was the right decision to make but to my surprise I was wrong! After a few days, I made some friends. For most of my life I lived in a large city I thought Belgrade would be small with not many things to see. I must admit after spending some time in Belgrade it is cleaner and people are very polite". This time we asked Matija Vuckovic a student that has been with us for nearly a decade so we asked him if he has any advice for new students. This is what he had to say "Prima may be harder or easier than your previous school but that does not mean you shouldn't give a 100% of you".

That is what some of Prima's students had to say, we would love to hear your thoughts so share them at

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