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Art and science exhibition

On November 28th, 2018, the students of Prima International School visited a number of significant institutions promoting the importance of arts and sciences and exploring the brilliant and wide ranging ways that these two subjects complement each other. The first stop was the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade, a museum containing over 37,000 works of applied art, which reflect the development of applied art over a 2,400-year span. The students payed a visit to the Photography Department and observed an exhibit documenting the growth of cancer cells by capturing this process through a microscope. The resulting photographs, while scientifically fascinating, also had an artful quality to them that further highlighted the interconnection of the two subjects. The next stop was the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the most prominent academic institution in Serbia. Students visited the Department of Fine Arts as well as the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, observing numerous exhibits highlighting the relationship between arts and sciences. Finally, students took part in an ‘art + science = makers’ workshop at the Center for the Promotion of Science, a highly influential institution that has contributed in shaping the first sustainable, live network able to bring together and collide creative minds coming from seemingly opposed disciplines − arts and sciences. The workshops that students interacted with were based around the idea of ‘maker culture’ which, fueled by increasing availability of cheap and easily hacked technology, now allows artists, scientists and other creative minds to create works that audiences can respond to and interact with directly. According to them “through maker spaces, social and cultural actors are inspired to engage with science and technology in collaborating and creating widely diversified artworks, platforms and peer-production communities”. Overall, students found that each and every one of these institutions was very much worth the visit and fueled their ambitions and aspirations in the highly rewarding fields of art and science.

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