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Book recommendation

The diary of a wimpy kid

By Jesslyn, Daria and Teodora (Year 7A)

The diary of a wimpy kid is a book series written by the American author and cartoonist Jeff Kinney. There are currently 14 books in the series. The first one published in 2007 and the latest one in 2018.

All the main books are the journals of the Prologonist, Greg Heffly and his friends. The book looking like a teenagers journal with little doddles that make these books so relatable to the readers.

The book also has 4 films based on the book for example The Diary of a Wimpy kid, The long haul, Dog Days and Roderick Rules.

Background of the book

In January 1998, Dairy of the wimpy kid officially began, when Kinney brought up the idea of a Middle School weakling named Greg Heffly. Fun brain and Kinney made an online version of the book and made entries till June 2005. He worked on the book for 8 years, before showing it to a publisher in New York.

In February 2006, during the New York comic con, Jeff signed a multi-book deal with publisher Harvy N. Abram, Inc and thus the first copy of The diary of a wimpy kid was born.

As soon as the book was released it became an instant hit, and the online version received 20 million views as of 2009. Nonetheless, online readers requested a printed version, Kinney agreed and the first printed copy came into existence. In April 2009 the name Jeff Kinney was recognized as one of the world’s most influential people.

Behind the book

When author Jeff Kinney was writing the book he did not have kids in mind, the books were meant for adults to find humous in a simple book. The publisher published a children book but Kinney thought the language was too difficult for kids.

The reasons why the book is so popular is because it is relatable. Greg’s complaining about school and his siblings are things everyone has to deal with. The fights he has with his best friend and the pranks they do are all hilarious and no matter how many times you reread it, it is still very funny.

Over all, this is a good book series, that everyone can relate to and understand the protagonist and the book while being funny, still contains a slice of life.

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