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Milica’s Chronicle

Here it is. The last year of high school, last year before university, last year to be a part of making Prima a better place for everyone. During my time in this school, I have had ups and downs. From establishing the first ever school magazine to quitting Student Council last year, I have had my share in Prima affairs the last 3,4 years. This year, I have been lucky enough to be given two very important roles - president of the Council as well as the editor of Prima Inspirer. There is a great responsibility to that, but also a lot of possibilities to implement all the ideas I have.

Of course, ideas are useless if there are no people who would pursue them. That being said, I am very glad that this year the Magazine Club is full of creative, diligent young people who have the potential of achieving great things. I will do my best to help everyone create quality content that they themselves are proud of. Prima Inspirer has developed a lot since it’s creation and the people who are running it are more than capable of taking it to the next level. Therefore, I strongly believe that this year will be a very productive but also a fun one for all the members.

As the editor, you may think that my job is just to delegate tasks to each person. However, it is much more than that. My goal is to have a club which everyone will enjoy being a part of - that is why I always take into consideration the interests and hobbies of each member before giving out topics for the issue. I hope that throughout time, article ideas will be mostly suggested by people who are writing them. In order to do tasks properly, it is crucial that one enjoys doing those tasks which is why I invite all the members to view this as an opportunity to creatively express themselves.

The only way we can contribute to the improvement of school life is by making content that is relatable and interesting to students. By students 4 students, remember? We put a lot of effort into making one issue of Prima Inspirer so that the students could enjoy reading it. I am very proud of what the members of the club have done so far and I hope that their commitment continues to grow. Therefore, I invite everyone (students, parents, teachers) to check out all the articles in this issue, so that you show the creators of the content appreciation for the effort they have put into making it. Any comments and suggestions are more than welcome, so feel free to contact me via email ( and I will take your opinion into consideration for the next issue of Prima Inspirer.

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