Study Tips

Final exams are approaching and almost everyone is spending their days and nights stressing out. With a million theories on how to study, how can we recognize those tips that can do more harm than good?
Everyone seems to have their own method for studying. Some people study consistently throughout the year and then aren’t stressed as exam season approaches. However, the less productive procrastinators usually end up trying to cram a year’s worth of studying in 2 days.
Arguably the most important part about studying is planning your time! This means not only planning how much time you will spend studying but also making sure you start studying on time and leave yourself a good amount of time before the exams. By being prepared ahead of time you will eliminate a lot of stress and anxiety while being able to retain more information.
As far as study methods are concerned, there are a million. The one you chose depends on how you learn best. Some people watch YouTube videos (channels like Bozeman Science and Khan Academy are especially helpful) while others make notes by themselves. But whichever method you prefer, you will ultimately have to open the book and start to read. Here I recommend the “Pomodoro” method of studying. Let me explain how this method works. First you set a timer for 25 minutes and work obsessively until the timer sounds. This means that one pomodoro is done. After the timer sounds take a five minute break. Every 4 pomodoros take a 15 minute break. This will ensure that your brain gets rest and you can maintain a maximum level of concentration for each session.
My last tip is for all the procrastinators. Instead of being a distraction, your phone can actually help you be productive. There are apps such as Flipd and Forest which can help you remain focused. Flipd erases all of the apps except the ones on the factory setting on your phone for the period of time you chose. However, beware because they return in alphabetical order and not in the order you left them in! Forest helps you not to use your phone by growing electronic trees which you’re using the app and therefore not using your phone for other time-wasting apps, such as Instagram or 9gag. By growing trees you collect money which can be used to finance the planting and growing of real trees!