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Milica's Chronicle

Post-exam stress?

It's almost time for the exams. As this is the most stressful time of the year, I'm not going to get into it so I don't add up any additional stress. Instead, I'm going to talk about what happens after.

So, you have finished your exams. You might be happy with how you've done them or you might not be satisfied, which is totally okay. Relax! You have 3 months of summer ahead of you and a bit less until your results are up. Use that time to go out, have fun, work out and do everything you wanted to do during the school year but you've constantly delayed it for after.

Don't waste your limited free time by dwelling on exam results. They're over anyway and it's not the end of the world if you receive grades lower than expected. Remember, you can always retake an exam if you wish to improve your grade for university. Having a carefree summer is infinitely better than having a stressful one, so the next time you take your exams prepare them better and use time more wisely.

If you go to the seaside during summer, spend as much time on the beach as you can. The next time you will have the opportunity to relax by the sea is probably a year away, so get a full use out of your summer holiday. Bonus tip: coastal towns usually have really nice places to go out, so keep that in mind.

Exams are important and it's reasonable to stress about the results. However, do not overthink because you will ruin your holidays. School time is the only time in your life when you will have 3 consecutive months of break. Appreciate that and have the best summer you possibly can!

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