Petnica Science Center

On 19th February, we went to Petnica Research Station. The Petnica Research Station is near the city of Valjevo and about one and a half or two hours away from Belgrade.

When we came there the research center gave us an overview of their school education system. It isn’t like most schools, it gives you more of an opportunity to investigate the subjects you like more in detail and you even get to make an experiment through out the year and show it to the whole school.

Then, we were split into two groups. The first group went into the geology classroom while the second one went into the paleontology.

In the geology classroom we got to see a very nice presentation and it helped us learn the actual meaning of geology. And we also got a chance to look through microscopes to see what a rock looks like up close, it was so cool. Next, we had a break to rest and eat a bit, but soon we had to go to our next classroom (paleontology).

In the paleontology classroom the first thing that caught our eyes as we got in were some kind of ancient objects they seemed as if they were used in everyday life a long time ago. We got to hold some of them and guess what they were used for there were some that were kind of weird and some that looked similar to the objects that we use today.

After the class we got in the bus and set off back to Belgrade. We certainly won’t forget this trip.