Mardi Gras 2018

On Tuesday February 13th we celebrated a holiday called Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday is a holiday to commemorate the last day before the fasting season of Lent. This is a Christian holiday and because not all of our students are Christian we celebrated in our own way.
Days before the holiday the students received a list of options for fillings for pancakes. Filled with anticipation for the reason behind this special order they enthusiastically made their choices. The students were delighted to realize that PRIMA had organized for the famous “Keops” pancake house would come to our school to prepare fresh, warm pancakes for us.
When the day finally arrived and the students eagerly waited to receive their pancakes Milica (Year 12), Mattia (Year 10), and Greatness (Year 10) explained why and how Mardi Gras is celebrated. They stated how during this holiday it is a custom to wear purple, green, and gold: purple representing justice, green representing faith, and gold representing power. In places such as New Orleans this day is celebrated with parades and parties. In Rio de Janeiro the famous carnival is held for two weeks.
Students were happy to learn something new about this holiday and we all enjoyed delicious pancakes made for us.