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In Students Shoes

Dear readers, for this issue we chose to interview our friend, whose experience of living in many different countries fascinates us all in PRIMA Inspirer. We were curious to hear where in the world he has been living and to ask him about his current life in Serbia.

Maša: Where have you lived, Harry?

Harry: I have lived in Ghana, Pakistan, England, Ethiopia, Moldova and Serbia.

Zala: How much time did you spend in each country?

Harry: I think I lived in England and in Moldova for 2 years, in Pakistan for a year, in Ethiopia for 3 years and in Ghana for the longest time which is 4 years. Now I live in Serbia for a year.

Maša: Which country do you like the most?

Harry: Ghana is my favorite.

Zala: What is the reason you like Ghana the most?

Harry: Because I had a lot of friends over there and I liked the community.

Maša: What is the first word that comes to your mind when I mention “Ethiopia”?

Harry: I always associate it with my younger childhood.

Zala: What was the first country you lived in?

Harry: I lived in England first.

Maša: How do you like Serbia compared to other countries?

Harry: I don’t like it as much as African countries but it is better than England. I feel welcome, but I still need some time to fit in.

Zala: If you could live wherever on Earth would you go back to Ghana?

Harry: I think that I would.

Maša: Do you still communicate with the friends you’ve got?

Harry: Yes, I still do.

Zala: Where is your best friend from?

Harry: My best friends are from Spain and Belgium.

Maša: Is it still stressful moving from place to place or do you like it?

Harry: It is still very stressful.

Dear Harry, we hope that you will stay in Serbia and PRIMA International School for a long time, that you are going to feel accommodated soon and we are all here to help you with that.

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