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School Clubs

Dear readers,

Here we are again with the new topics and events in our school. We started fresh in the year 2018. While teachers were busy with the “cross curriculum” project, we students have not been losing time either.

In the past month, our school clubs have started becoming more active after a pause during the internal exams, when everyone was too busy managing to fit a whole semester’s worth of work into two weeks.

Last week, the Debate Club tried a new style of debating, with only three people participating, and arguing whether democracy has ruined the world. We will continue to master the form of debate that involves only three participants, but next time one of the members of the debate team will be the one leading the debate.

The Current Affairs Club has taken a break from discussing relations between North Korea and USA, and the future of Catalonia, in order to help with the organization of St. Sava’s Day in our school. We wanted to try something different this year and focus more on how Saint Sava was important for education, and we did it. We were all happy to see the realization of our idea. On behalf of our club we would also like to say “thank you” to the Primary.

Department of PRIMA International School, to our music teacher Ms Katarina and to all the people who participated in singing Saint Sava anthem in Serbian, special thanks to the ones who are not native Serbian speakers.

Scrabble club continues their work as usual and it seems like they are enjoying the finding of all those new and long words. With such work and spreading vocabulary, we might have very eloquent new members in our Magazine club; because that is the idea of everything that we do: improving and growing together.

As said, we are all back and ready to work harder and to implement the new ideas and new working forms and we can’t wait to report about the new and different outcomes.

‘Till the next issue,

Vanja Antonijevic

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