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Cookie & Art with a Heart

This year our famous annual fundraising event “Cookie and Art With a Heart” sponsored Andjela Dimitrijevic.

Andjela is currently ten years old and has been diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy type 2. This illness is progressive; therefore Andjela has been in a wheelchair since 2014.

We as a school decided to help her deal with everyday difficulties by raising means to purchase a custom made wheelchair that will be specifically cater to her needs. In addition to raising means for her wheelchair our aim was to raise awareness about her illness and to support her in her wish to publish her book of poems which will be translated to German and English and sold worldwide. By selling this book Andjela hopes to raise enough money to fund appropriate medical treatment.

We are very proud to inform you that the art auction was a great success and with the generous donation of all the PRIMA parents we were able to purchase the wheelchair. The exhibited work showcased PRIMA’s gifted and talented students ranging from reception all the way to A level (Year 13). All the students produced artwork using different mediums that were successfully sold.

In addition, during the artwork and bake sale we had a silent auction. Parents were not bidding a fixed amount of money for the displayed artwork but would write down their bid and phone number on a piece of paper and into the box. The student council drew the winners who received the artwork.

We would also like to thank the Parent Club who helped organize and cater the bake sake which helped us raise our goal. We as a school including parents, students, and members of staff hope that with our generosity were able to put a smile on another child’s face and make her difficult journey ahead of her a little easier.

At the auction Andjela had her own stand with her artwork and her book of poems. Parents, students and staff were able to purchase her artwork and the book of poems and ask her questions.

If you wish to further inquire or provide additional support to Andjela please contact PRIMA International School or visit

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