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School Clubs

This school year the school has decided to widen the possibilities of participating in “after-school activities” by introducing new clubs. As opposed to last year when we could only choose between the Magazine and Debate Club, this year we can take part in clubs such as Current Affairs, Chess, Scrabble and Basketball.

The work of the Magazine Club can be seen in each issue of “PRIMA Inspirer”, so I will not get into that, as it would be more interesting to peak behind the closed doors clubs that do not showcase their work monthly.

Due to exams and university obligations of Year 13 student, Debate Club has not taken place in a long time. Nevertheless, rest assured that the students have their arguments prepared and are ready to debate at any given moment, as soon as we are all able to find the time. In our last session we tried to place one of us, who generally debate in one of the teams, to be the chairperson of the debate. The individual has to previously undergo preparation with Mr. Elian. This way, more students can participate in the debate, rather than simply observing, and we can learn something new.

The Current Affairs Club has become more active recently, with an increasing number of participants. We have started discussing and preparing for the Belgrade International Model United Nations that takes place in March. We are discussing the topics that will be discussed at the conference and helping each other with applications.

The basketball club has also been active recently. They had the chance to test their skills in a game against “British International School”. Unfortunately, our school lost, however it was only by 3 points which can be improved with just a little practice and more time spent playing basketball rather than doing homework.

Many students also participate in the Chess Club. Although they are experiencing a lack of girls, their engagement and desire to win has led some teachers to describe them as one of the loudest clubs in our school.

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