Interview with a Teacher

OK, now I don't want to alarm anybody, but it's just come to my attention that our great school magazine has not yet had the exciting experience of interviewing this teacher… We can hear her voice sweetly admonishing her students to pay attention in class, as well as up and down the hallway. The kind of literacy she teaches is crucial but oh, so woefully neglected, especially in our day and age. She is the guru of the velocipede, the champion of charitable recycling, here she is, our very own… Ms Milica!
Good afternoon, Ms Milica, let me start off by saying how amazing it is to be able to sit down with you.
PI: If you could be any building in Belgrade or the world which one would it be? Why that building?
Buildings are reflections of our societies; they are storytellers of our histories. So many inspiring tales are hidden in them. And who doesn’t love stories? But if I had to be a form of shelter I would choose to be a tent. A little transportable house that gives you the most amazing morning views and pictures you certainly won’t forget.
PI: Who is your role model, and why?
I could say Hermann Maier or Frida Kahlo or Michelangelo or any other famous person with an extraordinary verve. But I like to be inspired by people from my own surroundings, who are living sincere lives, are not stealing, manipulating and pretending, who are fighting for their dreams, and are trying to improve this world on their own way, even for a tinny almost invisible dot.
PI:Okay so, we all know you fight bad guys and fend off alien attacks on earth while you’re not teaching (that’s why you’re not in on Mondays, right?) so let’s come clean… What is your superpower and how did you get it?
My superpower is the fact that I was born as a girl. True fact. I was born premature with undeveloped lungs. The doctors didn’t want to raise my parent’s hope, but they just said it is good I was a girl, since girls are stronger. And a girl survived.
PI: Suppose we got kidnapped by earth threatening aliens and they were threatening to blow up the entire planet unless you could teach me something in one minute, what would that one thing be?
How to knit a shawl. It can be cold out in space.
PI: What do you think about when you’re on your bicycle?
I don’t think. That’s the beauty of a good cycling.
PI: If you could put together the soundtrack of PRIMA, either based on the day-to-day experience or for the entire academic year, which songs would you choose? (list three songs please)
I would leave that to Mr Srdjan and Mr Vlada.
But if you insist, I would pick something from a postmodern jukebox.
PI: Can you guess what you, James Bond and Bart Simpson have in common?
We are all damn popular.
PI: That’s a good answer, but actually, all three of you have a catch phrase! How did you come up with yours?
I love children and young people because I think they have white souls that are still not corrupted by human society J, and that is why they are sweet as honey. But I am not the only one in this school who is using this universal nickname for our students. There are other teachers too.
PI: So I think PRIMA should really start producing some merchandise to capitalize on this most wonderful peculiarity of yours.
Like this great mug here, or a cool T-shirt for all IT students to wear:
PI: What do you think Ms? …PRIMA take notice, this is gold!
I totally approve. What a great entrepreneur you are, Mattia!
PI: Where do you see information technology in the next 20 years and do you think that a similar revolution will occur like the one in the ‘90s? Please expand.
I think that we can’t go back now. If we don’t continue to develop it, I think that our civilization will suffer. Hopefully, we will be wise and careful.
PI: It has been said that mistakes make the best lessons. Some mistakes are sad, but there are many which are funny AND work well as cautionary tales. Could you Tell us about a favorite mistake you’ve made?
I was born on Friday 13th. Can you imagine how many mistakes I made? I am still making mistakes daily. Here is an advice, while riding a bicycle it isn’t wise to examine façades and eat apple. You may fall down.
PI: Finally, if a child approaches you and looks you in the eye and asks you if it’s true what they’ve heard, that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, what would you say?
“Don’t believe in everything you hear.”