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In Students Shoes

Interview with one more remarkable PRIMA student.

Zala: When did you start training?

Milica: I started training about two and a half years ago.

Zala: How many times a week do you train?

Milica: I train every day except on Saturdays.

Zala: How many hours a day do you train?

Milica: I train between one and a half and two hours a day.

Zala: Are you very tired after your training?

Milica: Depends on the type of the training but in most cases I do get tired.

Zala: Does it ever happen to you that you don’t want to go to

the training?

Milica: Only when I am not feeling so well and when I had a bad day.

Zala: What is your favorite brand of swimming suits?

Milica: My favorite brand is Arena.

Zala: How nervous are you before the competitions?

Milica: I get less nervous now, but at the beginning I got very nervous.

Zala: how often do you compete?

Milica: I have competitions almost every month and sometimes even a couple times a month.

Zala: In which discipline do you compete?

Milica: My discipline is freestyle.

Zala: In which club do you train?

Milica: I train in BPK which stands for Belgrade Swim Club.

Zala: How many medals have you got?

Milica: I have got eighty-seven medals and nine trophies.

Zala: Were you as good at the beginning as you are now?

Milica: No, my technique wasn’t as good as it is now. My time has also improved 10, 20 or even 30 seconds, depending on the discipline.

Zala: What do you like about swimming?

Milica: Well, just being in water, trying to improve myself and competing with myself to become a better swimmer every day.

Zala: Why did you start swimming?

Milica: We met one boy while I was on my vacation and we wanted to race, so I beat him and since then I just wanted to compete in swimming.

Zala: Do you want to become a professional swimmer?

Milica: Of course I want to become a professional swimmer, I want it to be my full time job.

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