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UN Day

On the 20th of October we celebrated the UN Day. We had students represent countries which they come from, with the help of their friends. We had stands from countries such as India, the United Arab Emirates, Croatia, Bulgaria, China and Serbia. The biggest stands were, of course Serbia and China, as most students come from these countries.

A presentation of a country consisted of national food, clothes and interesting information about the country, such as travel brochures. The Chinese stand also offered the possibility to have your name written in Chinese letters.

The students were very engaged and eager to represent their counties to their classmates, school friends and teachers.

This year, the Current Affairs club was responsible for organizing the UN Day. Despite the short time-frame the students were given, due to the absence of many who went on the school trip, they managed to organize a great UN Day, which celebrated some of the core values of the United Nations, such as mixing different cultures and traditions in order to show the positive impact of diversity on this world.

The UN Day is celebrated on the 24th of October, on the day the UN Charter was ratified by most of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council. It is important because it makes known to people the aims and achievements of the United Nations. We celebrated it on the 20th of October due to the midterm brake which was at the same time as the UN week.

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