Interview with a Teacher

This month PI magazine is privileged to interview one of the most chilled and relaxed teacher in our school. As PI tends to challenge the boundaries, in this interview we have asked Mr Juan, some very unexpected and unusual questions.
PI: If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be?
Mr J.: I would like to trade places with Groucho Marx.
PI: It is a known fact that you are very big fan of football and FC Barcelona is your team. In your opinion which is the best FC Barcelona team of all time?
Mr J: The best team in Barcelona in my opinion is the 1992 team coached by Johan Cruyff.
PI: What was the last gift you gave someone?
Mr J: I gave my wife a handbag.
PI: If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role and what would that movie be called?
Mr J: The name of the film would be My Paper. My role would be interpreted by Joaquin Phoenix, and his name would be Ethan.
PI: Do you smile often and what makes you smile the most?
Mr J: I smile often, because it is my character. Smart humor makes me laugh.
PI: If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Mr J: I guess the first thing I would do would be to travel and then to live just like now, quiet and happy.
PI: How do you motivate others?
Mr J: Always motivated to say that life is wonderful, not to lose even a moment.
PI: Could you please name three things from your childhood that you would like to have right now?
Mr J: More free time and all my family and all my friends.
PI: If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
Mr J: The Growlers song In Between.
PI: How lucky are you and why?
Mr J: I'm always lucky, but I would say the main reason is that I met my wife.
PI: Have you ever started petting a really fluffy dog and just gotten very overwhelmed by how fluffy this dog is?
Mr J: The truth is that it has not happened to me, but I do have a cat.
PI: Finally, and this one is important, so please pay attention, what do you think trees dream about?
Mr J: Of course they dream and I dream about them, I love trees.
We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading this interview.