Debate Club

Last week’s topic was “The studying of History throughout a student’s educational career is of central relevance to the creation and perpetuation of a civilized society.” This was an explosive topic as among the judges was a history teacher.
Just to make things come complex, we introduced a new way of asking for a point of information. Instead of simply raising our hands and stating point of information, we now stand up silently. The debater again has the option to accept or reject or leave us standing there until we give up and sit down. This new rule introduced a new formality to the group and made the members feel more powerful.
Again the teams were boys vs. girls. The boys supported the topic while the girls opposed. This topic was much more challenging for the girls as a majority of research websites support history. However, despite having less reliable and realistic arguments, the girls won. This was simply due to the fact that the boys failed to research and structure their arguments – again.
As previously mentioned, among the judges was Ms. Duda, one of our history teachers. We asked her for her opinions as to why history is important. She explained that:
It allows us to understand the past which helps us understand the present
We can learn from past mistakes and know not to make them again
It provides us with information as to how society and the individuals within it developed
This was the last boys vs. girls session because the boys have yet again proven to be incapable of researching their own arguments. Now, they will be part of one of the new girls teams!