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Debate Club

The pre half term debate session discussed the necessity of schooling. This was an inspiring topic as it is a relevant issue today.

As usual, Mr. Eilian, commandeered the chair. The teams were the same as last time-boys vs. girls. Unsurprisingly, the girls won. Both teams presented their arguments, some better researched than others, and mentioned very valid points. The team for the motion, against schools, argued that standardised testing cannot measure intelligence and creates unnecessary stress for students. They also added that school discourages many children and makes them feel unintelligent if they do not achieve the highest grades. The main arguments supporting school were that literacy is essential in today’s modern age for pursuing a career and that many parents avoid teaching children basic things, such as how to read, which are learnt in school.

After the teams presented their arguments, Ms. Snezana, Mr. Zeljko, Ms. Duda, Ms. Natasa and Ms. Dragana decided which team was better. The team against the motion, supporting schools, won. The boys, being bad losers, argued the verdict was biased because teachers were deciding it!

There was a small fallout in the session when Mr. Zeljko criticized the use of mobile phones during the debate. Mr. Eilian disputed by saying that students should be allowed to use them as they were finding new information to develop their points.

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