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In Student Shoes

In our last issue, you could read about our sporty students and their out of school activities. Now, we have that honor to introduce you to the topic of music. Out of many talented and musically educated students, we chose Mina Novkovic, year 10. Enjoy the music in her words.

PI: Mina, when did you discover your music talent?

When I was 7 years old, I started going to the music

school and there I found out, that I actually felt

passionate about music a lot.

PI: “Which instrument do you play?”

I play the piano.

PI: Why did you choose piano?

Of all the instruments that I could have chosen, I felt like piano would describe myself best, so I decided to give it a go and it turned out, my instinct was right.

PI: And how would you describe yourself and the piano?

I think, my life is just like the keys, there are some dark and sad parts, but there are also some bright and happy parts. Together, they make a unique composition.

PI: What are your feelings towards the piano?

The piano is my eternal love and every time I feel sad or disappointed, I play the piano and my mood improves a lot.

PI: Would you ever play any other instrument and have you probably tried?

I have tried to play the guitar, but it didn’t really feel as relaxing as when I am playing the piano.

PI: Do you have a favorite composer?

Yes. Ludwig van Beethoven.

PI: And do you have a favorite composition?

Moonlight sonata, by Beethoven of course.

PI: Do you prefer playing on your own or in front of the audience?

I don’t have a problem with playing in front of the audience, but I prefer to play on my own.

PI: Could you tell us – why?

Because I feel less pressure and even if I were to make a mistake, nobody would judge me for that.

PI: And for the end – who would you thank for inspiring you to start playing music?

I would thank my mother, because without her I probably wouldn’t have ever tried any instruments, never the less start music school.

And we would like to thank Mina for introducing more music and poetry into our lives.

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