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Top 5 Educational Apps & Study Tips

Top 5 Free Educational Smartphone Apps.

There seems to be an app for almost everything these days. Since we all know how school life can get hectic, we found out what the best educational apps are so that you can enjoy your school days more. All you need to do is download the apps to your smartphone and have fun playing with them! Here’s our top 5 – hope they help you pass your future exams with flying colors!

1. My Study Life

School life is complicated. To help you stay on top of your schedule and often clashing due dates, My Study Life is more than just a day planner and a school calendar - the app even sends reminders to your mobile device whenever you have upcoming deadlines!

2. Learnist

Learnist is like a social network for learning. The app makes it possible to browse through an organised collection of content, such as videos or texts, much of which covers thousands of topics! Learnist has it all!

3. Magoosh: Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder from Magoosh is another great app to be featured on this list. By its name, the app helps you improve your vocabulary and test yourself for the SAT, TOEFL or GRE! You can quiz yourself at different levels of difficulty on 1,200 of the most important vocabulary words, picked by expert tutors. Choose the best definition for each word and if you don't get some right, the app repeats those until you master them!

4. Photo Math

End your suffering over math problems! Photo Math can solve anything related to math… just point your phone's camera at a math problem, and the app will both answer the problem and show you a step-by-step explanation! The only downside to this app is that it does not answer handwritten problems — only those appearing in a textbook.

5. Quizlet

Quizlet is the perfect app for learning before an exam; just like the Quizlet website, the app allows you to search through thousands of sets of flashcards other users have made and also to create sets of your own. With each set, you can play games such as Scatter and Gravity as well as test your memory with multiple-choice sample tests generated by the app!

In order to study good and to make it easily and funny here are some tips which can help you.

  1. Don’t be hungry! You need a proper fuel to achieve your goal- not only the good marks in your report, but also the knowledge you can use outside of school. Our brain uses up to 50% of calories we take in, eat properly! Fish is very good for our thinking, but chocolate as well. So, if you are nervous when exams are coming, there is Milky Way to set up the smile.

  2. Attend your classes and be careful, while teachers are talking. They might not be the most interesting people in the world, but you have to be there and since you have these 45 minutes to learn some facts and stories, use them smartly. Then you don’t have to Google all those stuff the whole day and you will spend less time going through the books. And we all know that social life makes us kids happy!

  3. Sleep! Get it. Get enough. You may be laughing at this, but you need to get enough sleep.

  4. Get involved on our newspaper club, or drama club, or any other club. Only learning without productive socializing is boring. And you will meet teachers from totally another perspective- you won’t feel doomed to do anything, it is a very different kind of cooperation.

  5. Make a nice working environment for your studying at home. Remove any distractions and decorate your room in colors you like and enjoy.

  6. If you feel overwhelmed, are having problems sleeping or have gone through a breakup, take more time to talk to your friends. I know, sometimes they can be really annoying, but they are also able to be perfect cancelers. Studying is not going to run away, you are the most important person of your life.

  7. Our teachers and our tutors are very helpful. Miraculously, they are even happy when we approach them for advice and explanation and the tutors are also always “on our side”. Take advantage of this friendliness, it is not like that always and everywhere.

  8. Recopy your notes after class. Or type them if you find it more interesting.

  9. Time management: if you are studying for your exams, the good planning is the half of the work. How many exams do you have? How much time do you need for each? How much time do you have? You can make the excel table about your plans, it is also the way to practice a bit of IT.

  10. You may not know what you want to study at university. It's okay. There are people much older than you that still aren't sure what they want to do with their lives. That's okay. See your tutor or any other teacher for help. Pay attention to which classes you really look forward to - that can be a clue as to what you might want to major in. Think about your interests and choose the subjects for higher secondary which you are enjoying in, that is the first step before making this huge life decision.

  11. Read! It awakes your imagination and improves your solving problem skills. You can find many lovely books in our school library.

  12. Develop your own studying style- some people like music in the background while studying, some people need silence, some people can study for hours and some people need to take a walk or eat a candy from time to time to make a break- try out all these possibilities and check which one is the best for you.

  13. Use flashcards to quiz yourself when studying. And get someone else to quiz you with them. If you always quiz yourself with your own flashcards, you may skip over some that you don't know the answer to.

  14. Study groups can be helpful - but keep it to between 3 and 5 members (including you). More than that and it turns into a social event.

  15. Keep in touch with your friends also outside of school. It will help you to build a comfortable working environment in the school. In our age, social support is one of the most important things.

  16. Don’t get angry about grades. Grades are only pointer on our way. Good grades show that the studying style and time management are good and should not be changed and lower grades show that we should change the way we are studying or that we need more time.

  17. Grades again: If you tried everything, and some of the grades are still not the ones you wish: maybe it is not the subject for you and you should consider not taking this subject in higher secondary. That is how even not so good grades help you to make a good selection for yourself.

  18. That’s it! We finish school in the age of 18, so the last tip is only symbolic.

Good luck!

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