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In Students Shoes

In order to make our newspaper even more interesting, we researched about lives of our students outside of school. Researching this, we found out, that we have an honor to be accompanied with some friends, who lead a very active life outside of school. Since we were fascinated and inspired by their hobbies and the way they spend their free time, we decided to interview Jelisaveta (Year 7) and Nina (Year 12), who were happy to tell us and teach us something more about horse riding. Here is how they satisfied our curiosity:

When did you start horse riding and what inspired you to start?

Nina: I started horse riding when I was 6 in the US, but when I moved to Serbia I stopped. The love I have for horses and the feelings I have while riding motivated me to start riding again at the age of 12.

Jelisaveta: I got the inspiration from my first visit to a horse club when I was just 2. I really liked the sport so I decided to start training one year after my first visit.

How often do you train and how long do your training's last?

Nina: I train every day except Monday. I ride two horses and my training's can last anywhere from 1-2h per horse.

Jelisaveta: I have training's 3-4 times a week. The duration depends on how much time I have, but they are usually between 45 min and 1,5h long.

Do your training interfere with your school obligations?

Nina: My training's certainly do make it more difficult for me to fulfill my school obligations. However, they don’t interfere so much.

Jelisaveta: Sometimes they do, for example when I have to leave school early due to training or a competition.

What are the positive and the negative sides of your sport?

Nina: The positive side is the bond you create with horses. There is nothing more satisfying than completing a new challenge faced by your horse and you. The negative sides are the danger of injuries and the fact that the sport is very mentally challenging because the fear of falls can affect your training.

Jelisaveta: The positive sides are that you have a lot of fun, learn a lot of new information, build a relationship with your horse and never get bored. The negative side is that this sport is very dangerous due to the possibility of falling and injuring yourself.

Do you compete? If so, when was your first competition?

Nina: Yes. My first dressage competition was last November and my first jumping competition was in March this year.

Jelisaveta: I do compete. I was 6 when I went on my first competition.

Have you ever got injured while training?

Nina: I broke my left wrist on Christmas last year.

Jelisaveta: Yes, I have. My worst injury was when I twisted my finger because I fell off a horse.

What motivates you to continue horse riding?

Nina: The bond I have with horses and the feeling I have while jumping. It’s amazing.

Jelisaveta: My horses are my main motivation. I’ve been doing it for almost my whole life and I feel that’s the right sport for me.

What is so special about your sport?

Nina: The fact that you control a 500kg animal and jump over huge fences without even saying a word. Also, the amount of trust and patience needed is what makes horse riding so special.

Jelisaveta: For me, the relationships you build with your horse as well as trust are the most special things.

We hope that Nina and Jelisaveta inspired you. The point of our interview-rubric is to give you some new options and ideas and spread the range of opportunities and interests. These two amazing girls are not the only ones with interesting hobby, so you can expect us in the new issue with some of our friends who have some other inspiring talents. Let us surprise you!

Till the next issue,


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