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Prima Debate Club

The Debate Club came into being sometime during the Spring Term of 2015. Then, we used a fairly open format with members able to present their points without many restrictions.

This year, we have introduced more formal debate rules. Now, we have two distinct teams of three members each - the affirmatives and the negatives, with a chairperson/timekeeper who controls the whole proceedings. Each speaker has to comply with a set of rules regarding formality of address. They have to start their speech with , “Mr/Ms Chair, Fellow Debaters , Ladies and Gentlemen …” and keep to that formal tone for around two minutes. No interruptions are allowed during the first and last thirty seconds. In between those times, the speaker can be challenge on a point of information only. This rule has often produced some amusing delaying and distracting tactics.

The group now has six core members – Nina and Vanja from Year 12, Tereza and Milica from Year 11 and Mattia and Tao from Year 9. (We also have occasional additional visitors; sometimes, AJ and Alan grace us with their presence). As a team, they are now very able to produce an argument on a range of topics, time their speeches almost exactly – and, most impressively - not depend on written notes. Each week they combine in different ways, so that they never get used to the style of argument presented by their team mates.

The subjects debated have ben varied. Recently, quite a few of them have been about the elections in the USA. This has inspired some lively debates – sometimes verging on heated arguments. At least, they have stopped short of open warfare, although some speakers did suggest that as a solution to the dilemma facing the American people in their choice of president.

Without a doubt, the most engaging topic was, ‘This house believes that the internet is damaging young people’s ability to think. ’Although the initial feeling was that everyone would, of course, disagree with the proposition, it was truly surprising to discover that there was no problem in forming a team to argue for the proposition. It goes without saying that neither Mattia nor Tao were on that side, although Mattie did try to represent both sides of the argument.

As we are now reaching the end of term, and everyone is swamped with exams and preparations for Christmas events, we have suspended proceeding until the New Year. Then, we will open with a topic close to the heart of anyone who cares for their environment: ‘This house believes that, without drastic action, our earth is doomed to extinction.’ Should be interesting!

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